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Georgics – 2024/2025

*Georgics shows the power of being reconnected to the earth and learning principles of community and self-reliance. Students read several classics that take place in an agrarian setting so they see the value and growth that comes from hard work. They also learn about the Six Mini-Ag Ideals and the Georgic Principles (mission, entrepreneurship, forgiveness, self-validation, community stewardship, interdependence, and real estate ownership,) which are not only part of agriculture but part of life. A strong emphasis is placed on the power of spiritually creating (also know as planning) something before physically creating it, and the students plan a Georgic project which can be anything from planning and growing a garden to raising bees or poultry (for example).

Class day and time: Thursdays from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Pacific Standard Time.

This is a two-semester course; families should consider signing up for both semesters.

Ages: This class is recommended for students ages 11 and up.


  • community inter-dependence
  • community stewardship
  • entrepreneurship
  • real estate ownership
  • hard work
  • forgiveness

Classes will include Short lectures that include interaction and hands-on learning. Book discussion, oral presentations (one per semester), movies to watch, and short papers for students to write. Each student is also responsible for completing a project (most project work will be completed outside of class). The classroom provides a way for the topics to be introduced and for students to share what they have learned and worked on during the week. A highlight of the class will be the Harvest Research Dinner, which will be a family affair due to the online nature of this class.

Note: This class convene will once a week for 90 minutes each class. Scholars should expect to spend an estimated 2-4 hours per week on outside class work. The scholars will work independently during the week in order to complete their projects. They will also be responsible for reading the assigned literature (one book a month) as well as completing the journal assignments.

The stated price covers only one semester; however, since the course spans two semesters, to successfully complete the class, you must enroll for both semesters, either separately or together.

Families must purchase LEMI (Leadership Education Mentoring Institute) student binder, which can be found here.

In addition, all students need to read this essay before class – Read Like You Mean It – Anne Bean (1)
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott
Little Britches by Ralph Moody
Don’t Tell Me I Can’t by Cole Summers
The Great Horned Spoon by Sid Fleischman
The Biggest Little Farm
Swiss Family Robinson (any version)
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

The Year Money Grew on Trees by Aaron Hawkins
Bendigo Shafter by Louis L’amour
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
This Beautiful Fantastic

Class Syllabus: Georgics Scholar Schedule

*Description borrowed from https://leadership.education/georgics-project/


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Start On September 19, 2024
Duration Two Semesters
Level Middle School and High School
Price From: $300.00

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