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Writing Mentoring

Writing mentoring is the perfect add-on for teens who are learning how 
to write opinion papers and have a desire to grow their writing skills. 
Using their writing assignments from outside classes we will work shop 
their writing to help them grow and improve. As students are mentored 
through the process of receiving feedback in a safe environment, they 
will gain skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. 
Students do not need to have a lot of writing experience to benefit 
from time with a writing mentor.  Our sessions will revolve around 
coaching students to better work with the established writing criteria 
for their assignments, emphasizing the writing process itself, 
bettering time management, and improving writing skills.

Ages:  This class is recommended for students ages 12 and up.

Day and time:  Families should pay for and then schedule time as 
needed.  Families are responsible for contacting and setting up 
times for mentoring 48 hours in advance.  Each session will either 
be in 30 or 60 minute increments.

Cost:  $25/hour.  Hours can be purchased monthly or per semester.  
Time purchased can be used any time during the school year, but 
hours not used by May 31 will not be refunded.


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Duration 1 Hour
Price $25.00

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