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Key of Liberty: Building a Nation – 2024/2025

This course is a two semester course that will discuss the birth of our great nation from the time of the Mayflower through the Constitution.
Class day and time: Thursday 8:00 am – 9:30 am Pacific Standard Time
Ages: This is a practice scholar class suitable for ages 12 through 15.
The first semester will study our Founding Fathers and the paths that led to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. We will read about the Patriots who gave everything they had to help develop this nation that we are privileged to live in. Scholars will discover and develop the personal roles they have in continuing to keep this Nation strong. Scholars will read books about patriots and participate in book discussions, prepare their own presentations, and share experiences as they come to know better the early years of the United States.
During the second semester, we will go into an in-depth study of the Constitution and the amendments; scholars will have a chance to present personal projects that will demonstrate the depth of their understanding of the Constitution.
Both semesters will contain both reading and writing assignments with journal prompts and simulations designed to help scholars truly understand the material we will discuss.
Note: This is a YEAR-LONG course. Please take note that in order to finish the entire curriculum, students must enroll for both semesters.  Students should expect there to be homework outside of class every week.
The stated price covers only one semester; however, since the course spans two semesters, to successfully complete the class, you must enroll for both semesters, either separately or together.

The Book List for this Class:
Red Scarf Girl by Ji Li Jiang
The Landing of the Pilgrims by James Daugherty
John Adams, the Reluctant Patriot of the Revolution by Leonard Faulkner (this book may be replaced with another: details will be finalized upon registration for the class)
Being George Washington by Glenn Beck
Freedom Factor by Gerald Lund
Fifty Five Fathers by Selma R. Williams or The Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by Benson J. Lossing
The Proper Role of Government by Ezra Taft Benson or The Law by Frederick Bastiat (both available online for free)
The Great Little Madison by Jean Fritz

Families need to purchase the Key of Liberty Student Manual from LEMI (Leadership Education Mentoring Institute).

In addition, students need to read this article before class begins – Read Like You Mean It – Anne Bean (1)


2 reviews for Key of Liberty: Building a Nation – 2024/2025

  1. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    My son loved your class. This Class pushed him to learn and succeed. Thank you

  2. 5 out of 5


    This course covers many topics, not all of them easy. Linda was able to engage and encourage the students when needed – drawing in current events to show how the Declaration and Constitution remain relevant and important today. Linda also works hard to meet each student where they are to guide them to be and do their best. We can do hard things!

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Start On September 19, 2024
Duration Two Semesters
Level Middle School and High School
Price From: $350.00

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