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Korean Year One – for ages 12 and up 2024/2025


Korean is becoming increasingly popular as a world language! Learn the Korean alphabet (hangul), along with basic vocabulary and grammar. We will practice the four language-related skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and will also cover some Korean culture and history. I will be giving students material to review and practice between classes, so a high level of interest and self-motivation will be helpful.

If there is a lot of interest we will open another section. I would like to keep classes to four students so everyone gets time to practice speaking.

Class meets on Monday and Thursday at 9:00 am – 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time/12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

This class is suitable for students ages 12 and up.

Supplies: I would like each student to have something they can write on and erase, such as a boogie board or a small dry-erase board.



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Start On September 9, 2024
Duration Two Semesters
Level Middle School and High School
Price $190.00

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