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Korean Year 3 – 2024/2025


This year we will be learning some more advanced grammar while incorporating native material to increase listening and speaking fluency and build vocabulary, and also practice writing more. I will provide review materials and there will be regular homework assignments (I will try to keep them short!). Students’ final grade will be based on class participation and homework.

Class meets on Tuesday and Friday at 9:30 am – 10:30 am Pacific Standard Time/12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Eastern Standard Time

This class is suitable for students who have completed two years of Korean for Beginners

Supplies: I would like each student to have something they can write on and erase, such as a boogie board or a small dry-erase board.


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Start On September 12, 2023
Duration Two Semesters
Level Middle School and High School
Price $190.00

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