Real Life Math – 2024/2025
Real Life Math
Class day and time: Mondays, 1-3 pm PST
In the first semester, we will learn about the cost of living, paying taxes, finding a job, buying a car, buying or renting a home, buying groceries and cooking, shopping for a work wardrobe, planning a vacation, getting insurance, and other adulting basics.
Book required: Live Your Life for ½ the Price by Mary Hunt
In the second semester, we will cover topics that help students understand numbers in the context of politics, medicine, law, science, pop culture, and more. Topics include large numbers, exponential growth, statistics and probability, relative vs absolute risk, and more.
Books required: The Maths of Life and Death by Kit Yates
Who’s Counting? by John Allen Paulos
Cost: $550 per semester or $1000 if you pay for both semesters at once
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